Cute Pew Pew Red Panda Kawaii Print Womens Hoody Crewneck Pullover Sweatshirt
$35.99$49.39Save $13.40

The hoodies are Asian sizes. Which are about 1-2 sizes smaller than US, UK, AU, and EU sizes.
According to your own height(CM/IN) and weight(KG/LB), according to our height (CM/IN) and weight (KG/LB) size chart.
All the dimensions we use have been personally measured. The size chart is for reference only. When you place the order please leave the message with your weight (KG/LB) and height (CM/IN). We'd be more than happy to help you confirm the right size.
It is recommended to choose a size of 1-2. If you don't know how to choose the size, you can contact us at any time. Due to different regions and different time, we can't reply you in time, but we will reply you the first time after seeing the news.
SIZE Recommended:[Recommend 1-2 more size than this size chart]
Size XXS:Weight is about 40kg,Height is about 150cm-155cm 【59inch-61inch】
Size XS : Weight is about 40kg,Height is about 160cm-165cm 【about 59inch-65inch】
Weight is about 45kg,Height is about 150cm-165cm 【about 59inch-65inch】
Size S: Weight is about 45kg,Height is about 170cm 【about 66.9inch】
Weight is about 50kg,Height is about 150cm-170cm 【about 59inch-66.9inch】
Weight is about 55kg,Height is about 150cm-165cm 【about 59inch-65inch】
Size M: Weight is about 55kg,Height is about 170cm-175cm 【about 66.9inch-68.9inch】
Weight is about 60kg,Height is about 150cm-170cm 【about 59inch-66.9inch】
Size L: Weight is about 60kg,Height is about 170cm 【about 66.9inch】
Weight is about 65-70kg,Hight is about 150cm-180cm 【about 59inch-70.8inch】
Size XL:Weight is about 75-80kg,Hight is about 150cm-185cm 【about 59inch-72.8inch】
Size 2XL: Weight is about 85-90kg,Hight is about 150cm-190cm 【about 59inch-74.8inch】
Size 3XL: Weight is about 95-100kg,Hight is about 150cm-195cm 【about 59inch-76.7inch】
Size 4XL:Weight is more than 100kg,Recommend 4XL